Here's a little insight...a little voyage into my thoughts about might interest other photographers...or make them want to throw something at my head next time they see me...and this is also a little insight for past, potential, and current clients - you get to see how I approach wedding photography.
Here's 5 shots from my favorite assistant - Jerome. Observe the simplicity of these shots...that's because Jerome is a good listener.
Jerome knows...I like simple. A few photographers out there like to do some funky stuff...they take a shot with a little tilt in it (this is called Dutch Angle in video/film) know...that shot where you have to tilt your head sideways to see it right (I'm guilty...I used to do it often...)...some use some really cool lenses that distort ____ out of everything...and some do some really cool work in photoshop beyond anything believable...fantasy couldn't even have conceived...and that's all cool...some people like that...and there's nothing wrong with that...but I like simple...that's my opinion...
As wedding photographers, I feel we're photojournalists...we're documentarians...photographic historians...and our job is to record the day as it happens...and sometimes when we use all this neat trickery in our shots, we take away from the moment. Our eyes, our minds focus on the tilt..or they focus on those radical colors...and unfortunately we lose the purpose of the shot.
Here's some simplicity...nothing fancy....
Scott getting ready...pensive...
Scott re-writing his vows off of his computer onto an index card...
Nothing fancy...just telling a story...without distraction...