Monday, June 29, 2009

New website - Life.Culture.You

New site is up!!! If you see something that isn't cool or functioning correctly, please let me know at

The last month I really put a lot of thought in what direction my photography should go in...and it has a lot to do with me, as a person. I'm not into "make believe" or being someone I'm truly not...I don't like artificial...I don't even like movies...I prefer music has to be fluff. I like authenticity...and my fotos, especially wedding fotos, will document that more...I think capturing real life moments will stand the test of time and last forever...and by doing this I'm benefiting my clients...when they look at their wedding pictures 10-20 years from now, it'll reflect their wedding day...and hopefully give them the same feelings they felt on that special day! That's the overall long live Life.Culture.You....enjoy the's below...literally...and let me know what you think of the new site - leave comments!

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