Monday, March 16, 2009

Tidbits #1

I'm starting a new thing.  I already have "Food"...but now I need to share "Tidbits."  This will be the first installment of many.  The purpose of "Tidbits" is for you to get a little more information on who I am as a person.  This sort of came about from a remark I made on an earlier blog about how people are 90% of their experiences...and also from a really cool person who said they would want to know how my personal life experiences affect/influence my photography.  

I couldn't possibly share all of my life experiences in 1 blog entry, so I have to share tidbits.

Tidbits #1 starts off like this...born in my mother who is from Puerto Rico and my biological father who is from Mexico...uhmmm, I mean Texas...

My mother and father split up when I was 2 years mom moved to Tampa (I was with her)...she was following her sister.  I guess her boyfriend (my stepfather) then moved down not too long after that...I think.  My stepfather is from Ecuador!  We could say he raised me...and my mother too...

I think this is a good start...a little tidbit...I think where my parents are all from has to say a lot about where I am as a person now...lots of diversity!

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